
Thableeg inte kuzhappam Wahaabisathinte Jamaat kapada Mukham? Farooq Naeemi Sunni etc

Asslalam o Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu,

The Background of this article
1. തബലീഗ് : എതിര്‍പ്പ്‌ എന്തുകൊണ്ട് ?

2. Thableeg Jamaat Wahaabisathinte Mattoru Pakarp  (Farooq Naeemi Usthad kollam)?

3. Thableeg Jama'ath. Thableegism Thableeg jamath thableeg jama'th thableeg THABLEEG JAMAATH enthanu thableeg thableegisam vasthuthakal. Starting of Thableegism. Aaraanu thableegukaar enthanu thableeg jamaa'th . Abdu Rasheed Saqafi Patthappiriyam ?

4. I came across a writing attributed to Nurul Ulema M A Abdul Qadir Musliyar Sb who is from Madarsa Sadia Kasargod in which some Ashkal and allegations were made against the effort of Thablig.

5. MT Abu Bakar Darimi sb, and Abdur Rasheed Pitthiprium speeches for making Allegation on Tablighi Jamaat
I went through the allegations.
We can categories janab Abdul Qadir Musliyar and others allegation under following subheading.

Allegation No 1   Thableegi Jamaat is Wahabi
Allegation No 2.  Many cut and paste and interpretative allegations from writing of Scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, Khaleel ahmad saharanpuri, Maulana Qasim Nautvi
Allegation No 3 In a book Sirat e Mustaqeem (NAUZUBILLAH) it is written that thinking of Rasulullah in Attahiat in prayer is worst than thinking of Animal (NAUZUBILLAH) 
Allegation No 3    (NAUZUBILLAH) Abdul qadir sb in his writing alleges that Maulana Ilyas Claimed of arrival of Wahi to him (Worst kind of allegation on a Muslim May Allah pardon allegation maker)

All these allegations and claim by Maulana Abdul Qhadir Musliyar Sb and others are actually related with the infamous DEOBANDI Vs BARELVI dispute of North Indian Sunni Muslims. Although Thableegh Jamaat remain far away from Barelvi deobandi issue OR any other controversy, but as Maulana Ilyas was a graduate from Darul Uloom Deoband so people attach it also with controversy even if Tahbligh Jamaat wants to be away from all these polemic debates.

First Point (Respect of Abdul Qadir Musliyar and all other Scholars)
Abdul Qadir Musliyar Sb is an Alaim and an Old Muslim. Prophet sallallahu Alaihi wasallam has told to respect both an Aalim and and old Muslim.
So even if he has made baseless allegation against Thableeg Parishram we should respect an Aalim. We should give him benefit of doubt that he did a wrong Ijtahad in making opinion about Thabligh Jamaat effort. No one should abuse him or should do any sort of disrespect. And because of his mistake we should not d evaluate his other services of Muslims

Second Point (Deobandi Sunni Vs Barelvi Sunni (Abdul Qadi Musliyar and others  import of issue)

Actullay almost all point of Janab Abdul Qadir Musliyar sb is imported from North Indian Sunni Muslim issue.
In north India 98% Muslims are Sunni and follow Hanafi Madhhab.  There are two groups of sunni in North India.They got divided nearly 100 years back. Initially it was purely personality based but with the passage of time it got widened with attachment of several religiosocial issues.
1. Barelvi  Sunni
2   Deobandi Sunni

It is same like AP Sunni and EK Sunni Division.
It may happen after 50 years that EK and AP Sunni have some Religiosocial difference. Some have already started. Same case happened in North India as the division is 100 years old.

This type of controversy erupted and was nurtured to gain the public sentiments and to capitalize their support in the favour of their group and to DEFAME THE ULEMA OF OTHER GROUP.

1.Because of group ism and rivalry both group accuse each other on the basis of writing of scholar of past.

2. Main area of controversy is about some of the sentences written by founder ulemas of both group and their interpretational differences by founder Ulema of other group respectively.

BARELVI accuse fault in the writing of DEobandi Alims
Maulana Ashraf Alai Thanwi Sb,
Maulana Qasim Nanoutwi sb etc...........

Wheras DEOBANDI accuse fault int he writing of 
Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan Sb and some others.

 Common feature of this sort of allegation
(A) All these ALLEGATION are interpretative and extrapolation of actual sentences and the writer has denied the wrong meaning. 

(B) If you read complete page/2 - 3 paragraph of writing with context of the article /book you will find no wrong thing in either case.
(c) But the fighting groups present isolated sentences out of context and cover their interpretational meaning.
(d) These are maily slip of pen/unsuitable example and not matter of Aqeedah/believes.But they present as Aqeedah matter

3. This type of fighting became very serious  by the Fatwa of kufr against each other. It started nearly 100 years back.It also has a clause of association of kufr that means those who do not accept the fatwa of  kufr ,they are also kafir. 

4. This led to the widening of GAP /MISTRUST AND IRREPARABLE DAMAGE TO THE UMMATE MUSLIMA. (May allah pardon all of us) 

5. Deobandi scholars clarified their position about the sentences and those who were alive Asharaf Ali and Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri changed the controversial sentences altogether to end the matter of controversy completely.

6. Deobandi Ulema of past took a moderate view they criticised Ahmad Raza khan for false allegation and FATWA OF KUFR against them but they didn't do any counter attack of similar kind against barelvi ulemas

Abdul Qadir Musliyar and others Ist & 2nd Allegation
Allegation No 1   Thableegi Jamaat is Wahabi
Allegation No 2.  Many cut and paste and interpretative allegations from writing of Scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, Khaleel ahmad saharanpuri, Maulana Qasim Nautvi

The following books by Ulmae Deobannd has answer for all the points raised by Musliyar Sb.

Version 5 [1] - Arabic

Allegation No 4   (Nauzubillah) Abdul qadir sb in his writing alleges that Maulana Ilyas Claimed of prophethood and arrival of Wahi. Others also made this allegation (Worst kind of allegation on a Muslim May Allah pardon allegation maker)

The plain answer is Just read the quoted Urdu book and you will find the wrong interpretation and allegation by Abdul Qadir Musliyar and others. All those who know urdu can understand it in 5 minutes the mistake and fault of Abdul Qadir Musliyar Sb and others.
Anyway if you dont know Urdu and know only Malayalam this book by Fazilatus sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi Rahimullah may help you understand the work of Thableegh Movement. The best is that you go in Jamaat for some times. You will understand everything.

മുസ്ലിംകളെ മൌലാന മുഹമ്മദ് ഇൽയാസ് കോൾ
ദവഹ് വർക്ക്‌ ഓണ്‍ ദി പട്റെര്ൻ ഓഫ് മുഹമ്മദ്‌ സല്ലല്ലാഹു അലൈഹി വസല്ലം ആൻഡ്‌ സഹാബ കരം 

A doubts in the mind of some Muslim Brothers of Kerala about the effort of Tableegh Jamaat.

Some of them has listen and believe a rumour that a book written by Thableegh Jamaat leader has something related to Prophet thinking in Attahiyyat during Namaskaram .........and some comparison for this.........

We went to search the truth behind this matter. As Allah pak says in Quran to verify the report reaching to you.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنْ جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَنْ تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ (الحجرات: 6
[49:6] O you who believe, if a sinful person brings you a report, verify its correctness, lest you should harm a people out of ignorance, and then become remorseful on what you did.

 Many a times people base their talk/article on some other Talks/article and donot check it correctness by this way the wrong information once start enters into a vicious cycle. They violate this Rule of our beloved prophet Muhammad  in Sahih Muslim.
‹‹كفى بالمرء كذبا أن يحدِّثَ بكلِّ ما سمع›› 
Sayyidina Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Sayyidina Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said, "It is enough falsehood for a person to transmit everything he hears." [Muslim]

What is the Claimed Rumor leading to Allegation on Thableegh Jamaat in Kerala? 

Some Brother claim that one of the Tableegh book named "Sirat e Mustaqeem" writes that

(Nauzubillah even repeat writing is unfortunate. May Allah pardon all of us )

"Thinking about Prophet Muhammad  during Attahiyyat (Tashud in Salat) is like thinking of Dog. (Nauzubillah) (some of them claim as Pig also)"

After doing all the research and checking the book it was apparent that this rumor was totally wrong and a cooked story. 
It was also found that too make one Lie acceptable those who have spreaded this Rumor has mixed amny more lies. (May Allah pardon them ,us and all Muslims)

Summary of the Facts reached by Checking the book is following

A.   Some of the facts and truth related with this book and Tablighi Jamaat..

1.     This book is not all related at all with Tablighi Jamaat. Tablighi Jamaat dsoes not read this book. There is not even mention of this book/matter in Tablighi Jamaat (As claimed in Rumor).
2.     This book is not even easily available as its language is Urdu mixed with Persian so all urdu knowing may not understand it. We got it from Delhi for this checking from delhi
3.     Tablighi Jamaat strted as a movement between 1920-27. Nearly 100 years after the death of writer in 1831.
4.     The writer of the book Shah Ismaeel Shaeed became shaheed while doing Jihad Tyrant kingdom of Ranjeet singh on 6 May 1831.Shah Ismaeel was grand son of Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi. The one of the greatest scholar of Islam.
5.     He was a great scholar of Hadith. He used to teach Bukhari at Jama Masjid Delhi around 1800. Finally he became involve in Jihad and got martydom
B.   About the claimed Rumor of sentence in the book Sirate Mustaqeem following facts are there
6.     The Rumor is totally baseless after checking it from Original Book Sirat e Mustaqeem.
7.     There is entirely different discussion there. That discussion is about Sarfe Himmat.
8.     There is no mention of name of Hazarat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the claimed sentence . (As claimed in Rumor).
9.     There is no mention of word thinking / anyword that means thinking in urdu/any other language. (As claimed in Rumor).
10.                        There is not at all any word of Attahiyyat or Tashhud in it.(As claimed in Rumor).
11.                        There is no mention of Dog or Pig there. (As claimed in Rumor).


The different angle of the matter can be dealt under following Questions.

Q.1. Who has started this matter for the first time in kerala? Is there any Particular person who started this?

Answer: We didnot go into this question.This quetion is not important at all. Our aim is correction and not criticism of our Muslim fellow brother/organisation.

Q.2. Those who are claiming this sentence. Have they read this book or sentence. Have they checked the rumour?

Answer:  We met hundreds of people including graduates from Islamic Institutes but sorry to say that they have not read it at all.
Our Findings were.
1. Many of those who are levelling allegation  have not even know the name of said book. Who is the writer. When the book was written.
2. Many of those who are levelling allegation have just listen from others and believeing and sometimes spreading it.

Qustion No 3. Is there any book with this name? What is language of the book. Is this book easily available/read /popular?

Yes, There is book written between 1820-30 (200years ago) with this name Sirate Mustaqeem.
The book is written in mix language of Urdu and Persian. It is very chaste in Language. There was an old urdu before its simplification to make urdu easy by Meer Amman of Fort Wiliam college.  It is written in old urdu.

It is not available easily. For our research purpose we searched at many cities .After much search we found in Delhi.
As language is of old urdu very few general Muslims knows that chaste urdu. This is not part of any Madarsa/ Religious education syllabus.

Question No 4. Is this book is read in Thableegh Jamaat . Is there any Relation between Tablighi Jamaat and this book?

It is not read at all in Thableegh. Tablighi Jamaat has nothing to do with this book or its content. I myself has been in Thableegh for 18 years was not knowing about this book.
I  came to know about this book Just 3 years back from my friend who was having confusion against Thableegh and claiming about this matter.

Question5: Who has written this book?

Who was this Ismaeel Shaheed ?????????
(.Instead of writing any word from my side I will quote from his page on a neutral sourse Wikipedia.)

Shah Ismail Shaheed was a scholar of Islam and a warrior in the jihad proclaimed by Syed Ahmed Shaheed against the Sikhs kingdom in punjab in 19th century.
 Early life:
 Shah Muhammad Ismail was the solitary son of Shah Abdul-Ghani, the grandson of Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi, and the nephew of Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith, Shah Rafiuddin Muhaddith and Shah Abdul-Qadir Muhaddith.
Shah Ismail was born on 12th Rabi'ul-Awwal 1193 H (corresponding to 26 April 1779 G). The age of Shah Ismail Shaheed was infested and contaminated with the poisonous atmosphere of Shirk and innovations. The Indian Muslims, under the influence of the Hindu mythological faith, had entered such rituals and beliefs in Islam that they even surpassed the ones observed during the pre-Islamic period (in terms of their polytheistic rituals). He is famous for a book called "Taqwiyatul Iman", a book he wrote in response to the prevalent innovative practices of some Sufis. However, he himself was Sufi and a disciple of Syed Ahmad Shaheed, who was also very critical of the innovations of ignorant Sufis. He also partook in the Jihad of Syed Ahmad Shahhed against the tyrannical Sikh kingdom of Punjab.
Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed with the help of the Mujahadeen, including the 6 Swati's tribes of Balakot and Syeds of Kaghan, led many revolts and attacks against the Sikhs. At last on 6 May 1831 during a fierce battle Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed along with hundreds of their followers were martyred.
As wikipedia said that age was infested with full of shirk and polystetic practices so the addressee of his writing were the muslims of that age, and because of the compelling situation his writing became harsh.Maulana was fully convinced with the fact that the correction of the people belief and practices is an urgent necessity.

Q.7. What is Tableegh Jamaat? Why people started this rumor in Kerala against Thableegh effort.

Tableegh is simply an effort of reminding the muslim ummat for obeying the commands of Allah and following the  path of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.). As Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is the last prophet. So the work of Dawah and Tableegh is the responsibility of Ummah. So it also stessess on our duty for doing the work of Dawah and to strive in the path of Allah with sacrifices. As Allah pak has said………………Wallazana jahadoo………..So striving in the path of Allah will open the doors of Hidayah.
         Maulana Ilyas who called upon ummat to follow the way of Sahabah and Salfussalihin sacrificed their life and wealth and reached to the remotest corner of the world for the effort of deen and some of them has been buried in remote place like China, Siberia,Africah,and in India (Kerala,Tamilnadu,and sindh) and this trend remain continued wholethrough the glorious moment of the muslim history. And generation after generation. Most of us must have been aware with the name of Hazrat Moinuddin Chishti (R.A.) born in Seestan. Got knowledge in Chisht (Afganistan) and spreaded did work of Islah and dawat o tableegh in India. Farid Shakar Ganj (R.A) traveled along the bank of river sindhu and upto delhi. And among his disciple Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia and his khalifa were. Just give a look of on their traveling route and their final rest places,you will find them spreaded. Some are in Daccan (present Andhra),in Malwa,Bengal,bihar UP. So it is duty to reach people and to convey the massage of Allah to whole mankind.
The work of Tableegh does not centered around any Person or group rather it is a call for all muslim.And Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah muslim of all Mazhab Hanafi Shafaee Maliki Hanbali,are associated with this effort. And people of different walk of life rich and poor and all part of the world is attached with this blessed effort.
Maulana Ilyas used to consider himself only as a person who is remineding the muslim brothers to do the work of Islah and dawat O tableegh, and used to strees it.  
His Famous quote is there “This effort of deen (work of Tableegh) should never be attributed to him. This is the work of whole ummat. I am only reminding it.”
“He was not even liked that if someone takes his name for the introduction of the work of Tableegh.” Page 34
And if whole ummat will do the collective effort of Dawat O tableegh it will bring the sar bulandi…… and and it is the ummat maqsade hayat and farze mansabi.
As the great poet Allama Iqbal said
“Meri zindagi ka Maqsad tere deen ki sarfarazi
Main Isi liye musalman main isi liye Namazi”
May Allah bring whole ummat on juhad fidden and spread the hidayath all over the world.

To be continued…………….

Questions that will be answered Insha Allah shortly

Quesrtion. Why people made such a wrong accusation for a person who became shaheed for Islam……………..

Lovely Kerala Brothers doubt

Lovely Kerala Brothers doubt
Thableegh Kuzhappam

Attahiat issue Thableegh

Attahiat issue Thableegh