
Neutral Study of Thableegh Jamaat Islamic Scholars view Book

النَّصِيْحَة﴾ ﴿اَلدِّيْنُ

The Unbiased Study of
Tablighi Jamaat*
(Tablighi Jamaat ka Belag Jaeza) 

The English Translation of Arabic Book
Al  Qaulul Baleegh Fi Jamaat-ut-Tableegh by

Shaykh Abu Bakar Jabir Al Jazaeri
Ustad at Masjid e Nabwi Madeena al Munawwara

….Writing this book  so………………..I become free from responsibility of clearing the truth and keeping informed. And after all everything will be presented to Allah …………I will not care the pleasure or displeasure of any individual or group……… `           `           `           `           `           `           `           `           `         

In the name of Allah the most beneficent and merciful
         All praise is for Allah Almighty. With respect to final fate, the only successful people are those who have Taqwa (Fear of Allah) and permanent loss is for those who are oppressor. Salat o Salam (Salution) be on Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam who was the final messenger and head of mankind, and on his family ,his companions and all those who followed him with Sincerity of Intention.

Why am I writing this book?
           Now a Day a frequent topic of debate is Tablighi Jamaat .And people depending on their thought understanding and comprehension either praise them or criticize them.
That’s why I am writing this book so that matter could be cleared and I become free from responsibility of clearing the truth and keeping informed. And after all everything will be presented to Allah Almighty.