
തബ് ലീഗ് ജമാഅത് പുസ്തകം നീരോധം ഉമ്മത്തെന് തീരാനഷ്റ്റം

This book is a masterpiece work about great effort of Dawah and Tabligh in Malayalam Language by Scholars of Kerala Namely C K ABUL KHAUR USTAD, ALI KOYA MAULVI & V P MOIDU MUSLIYAR. 
Sheikh V P MOIDU MUSLIYAR HAS EDITED IT.It also has an arabic Poetry by Ustad Abul Khair Maulvi.

                            The book Title is and For download click here

A brief introduction of the work is presented here.

PARADISE FOR ALL MANKIND..This was the Motto of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihu wasallam.He even cried at the death of a Jew. We are his ummati Our concern should be same. To start simultaneously from ourself, family,locality,country to whole mankind till the day of Judgment. Dawah is very effective tool for our correction also.Our success for life here and Hereafter THE LIFE AFTER DEATH is in obeying commands of Allah and following Path of Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu Alahi Wasallam

Taken with thanks from

Malayalam Islamic madaprabashanam Dawah Class

Bayan Link of Moosa Moulana (Rahmathullah Alaihi)
 Moosa Moulana (Rahmathullah Alaihi) was a great Daee and Scholar from Kerala.

His character and behavior was so good that even those who have some misunderstanding about Thableegh work praise him.

 He is among the most popular religious figure of Kerala. People even in remote villages know him as he extensively traveled all over kerala. 

He was basically from KANJHAR in south Kerala but settled at Edhatallah ,Aluva in Ernakulam District.

Blogger got a chance to meet this great Personality in 2001

 Thousands have benifitted through his sincere efforts in the path of da’wa and Thableegh. 
Here are few of his recordings of his Malayalam talk.